Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Pattaya Thailand Krav Maga Seminar 14th - 15th March 2009

Krav Maga Pattaya Self Defense Martial Arts Class Pattaya Thailand

Learn to Fight Back, & Defend yourself against violent street attacks, muggers, or robbers, with Tactical Krav Maga, the official combat martial arts fighting system developed for Commando units, used by the FBI & many police Law Enforcement Officers worldwide & more so 1000s of ordinary everyday people who want to know how to defend themselves, get fit, relieve stress, & have fun learning self defense with Krav Maga. 

We have adult krav maga students in their 50s in Pattaya krav maga who have a great time learning a self defense martial art at this own pace & making excellent progress,

Krav Maga teaches you:
*Basic strikes for self defense
*Escapes from Grabs, Holds, Bear Hugs, Chokes common street attacks.
*Psychology of Street Self Defense, Awareness, How to Avoid Violence
*Basic ground fighting and escapes
*Defense against knife, baton/baseball bat and gun threat/attacks.

You will learn survival must have self defense skills, in our ongoing 3 times per week 
Pattaya Krav Maga Self Defense  Martial Arts class based in Kombat Muay Thai Gym in Khao Talo in Pattaya Thailand.

Contact Krav Maga Thailand or come to kombat muay thai kick boxing gym on

Tuesday 4-5pm
Thursday 4-5pm,
Saturday 12noon -130pm
Is the times of Pattaya Krav Maga class.

One  kravmaga class is only 300 B & if you like Krav Maga & join for 1 month, 
it average just 160 B per class for 3 lessons per week.  We also teach you kick boxing sparring
skills within our Tactical Krav Maga training program & personal fitness workouts.

Krav Maga Seminar
Pattaya, Thailand we have a weekend of 14th - 15th March 2009 Krav Maga Seminar which give you over the 2 days
Saturday & Sunday, 11am - 4pm daily, 10 hours total krav maga defensive tactics training. (5 hours x 2 days in Pattaya).
Semiar on Krav Maga Self Defense  will allow you to learn to defend yourself against street fights with krav maga combat fighting system. We are offering excellent seminar training time 11am -4pm both days, so you can have time when you travel down for this seminar on krav maga from Bangkok or other Thailand cities, outside of krav maga training, you can vist the beach, go to the islands off Pattaya, enjoy the famous night life of Pattaya or go to Pattaya Jonteimn Shooting club after our March Seminar in Krav Maga, & expereince shooting semi-automatic glock hand guns.

The 14th - 15th March 2009 Krav Maga Seminar in Pattaya is only a lowhigh value early booking price of 4,897 B if you pay ny the 5th March in full, you also get an early booking Krav Maga DVD & a Krav Maga Self Defence Book.

Contact for details now or call +66(0)852883709 leave voicemail with details or sms text. 

Krav Maga Thailand Pattaya 
Contact us now email Gerry Thailand Krav Maga Instructor info[at]
Price: 300 THB Per Drop In Call Per Person.  If you commit yourself to our ongoing Krav Maga Training
you get an special offer price 160B per class when you buy our 14 lesson martial arts trainining card in advance.
Private Krav Maga Lessons Avilable, please email Gerry Nolan Krav Maga Self Defense Instructor about private krav maga. 

Location: Pattaya Krav Maga , khao talo Soi , kombat muay thai mma mixed martial arts gym & fitnes krav maga pattaya Thailand,  Pattaya Chon Buri Thailand Bangkok

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Krav Maga Pattaya Seminar Workshop 14th & 15th March 2009 Saturday Sunday 11am-4pm

Krav Maga Pattaya Self Defense Club Thailand.

Krav Maga Pattaya Self Defense Martial Arts Club

Is a  Krav Maga Pattaya Self Defense Full Contact Video of Training Sessions Seminars Tactical Krav Maga Pattaya which at Pattaya Kombat Muay Thai Kick Boxing MMA Training Gym

Our check out Krav Maga Pattaya Thailand Bangkok Self Defense Kick Boxing Video

Krav Maga Point Shooting Seminar Pattaya Guns Firearms Course Video October 08 Shooting Seminar at Pattaya Jonteimn Shooting Club.

Pattaya Krav Maga Self Defense Club local class is at kombat Gym Khao Talo Pattaya Map Here

Krav Maga Pattaya Regular Weekly Krav Maga Class is on:
Tuesday 4pm-5pm
Thursday 4pm-5pm
Saturdays 12noon-130pm

All Krav Maga Thailand Pattaya Regular Group Class is at Kombat Group Kaho Talo Pattaya
Address: Kombat Muay Thai Gym, Darapan 3 Kaotalo Soi 8 - 93/123 Moo 11 20260 Pattaya Thailand

Krav Maga Pattaya Class Fees:
Drop in Pattaya Krav Maga Class Rate is 300 B to be paid before class starts.

If you buy in advance a 14 Class Card which is valid for 5 weeks, your 3 times per week class, only costs 170B, which is the best value & price to learn Tactical Krav Maga Self Defense.

14 Class Krav Maga Card Valid 5 Weeks from date you buy is only Baht 2450. (Pay in full before you begin training) 

Private Lessons in Tactical Krav Maga are Standard Rate 1,000 B per hour.
However if you buy, & pay in advance for a block of private lessons we can give you an
excellent discount on the private krav maga VIP lesson rate. Please contact by email if you want to block book a series of private personal one on one Tactical Krav Maga Lessons personally instructed by Certified Tactical Krav Maga Thailand Chief Instructor Gerry Nolan

Contact Information Krav Maga Thailand Pattaya
Please email Gerry[at] for information on Private Krav Maga Lessons Pattaya Thailand. Phone:  International +66852883709
Internal in Thailand Phone 0852883709 to contact Krav Maga Thailand.
Please leave a voicemail if no answer, or SMS Text Your Name & Message to +66852883709

Adults only, & age once you are fit is no problem, we have successfully taught people
in their 70s self defense with krav maga,

Krav Maga Pattaya Seminar Workshop 14th/15th March 2009 Saturday & Sunday 11am-4pm both days.

You can learn Tactical Krav Maga Self Defense over a 2 days x 5 hours daily Krav Maga Instruction in Pattaya Thailand this March 2009. Saturday 14th March Sunday 15th March 09.

(10 hours total krav maga training over the weekend of 14th to 15th March 2009 Sat/Sun)

Saturday 14th/Sunday 15th March 2009 with Krav Maga Pattaya Thailand Self Defense Martial Arts.

Krav Maga Pattaya Combat Seminar is aimed at adult beginners or those with some martial arts experience regardless of style who want a "fast track" no nonsense course in simple, easy to learn & do & lethally effective  self defense as self protection to protect themselves & their families from violent attackers, muggers, robbers, street thugs, or rapists.

The Krav Maga Seminar is in Pattaya Krav Maga Base Kombat Muay Thai Kick Boxing Gym Pattaya MMA Mixed Martial Arts Pattaya Center which features a full UFC cage, 4 rings, self defense kit, & all the facilities you need to learn effective defensive tactics on this combat fighting
Krav Maga Pattaya 14th to 15th March in Pattaya Thailand.

11am-4pm Sat & Sun is the times of March Pattaya Krav Maga Self Defense Workshop, which also leaves you plenty of time to enjoy pattaya beaches, night life, or go to Pattya Shooting range to shoot a few rounds.

Krav Maga Pattaya 14 to 15 March 09 weekend 10 hour krav maga thailand seminar we will teach you krav maga to fight attacks such as :

*krav maga defense basic strikes & dirty shots
* Escapes Krav Maga style from grabs, chokes, bear hug attacks, & headlock
* using everyday objects with krav maga as improvised weapons for self defense.
* krav maga self protection psychlogy & awarness & avoidence of trouble.
* basic tactical krav maga weapons self defense fighting knives, stick, baton or gun.

This 10 hour 14 to 15 March 2009 Pattaya Krav Maga Thailand Seminar
is offered to you for the best value fee ever, only 4,879 B which due to very
limited places on this krav maga seminar must be booked & paid inadvance
when you book & pay in full before thursday 5 March.

When you book & pay before Thursday 5th March you get an early bird bonus of free Krav Maga DVD & Krav Maga Syllabus Manual. (worth over $100 in total free) strictly for early special booking.

All krav maga seminar Pattaya March 2009 trainees will get a Krav Maga Certificate of completing 10 hours of Tactical Krav Maga Training video here.

Please email me via for details & to book right now.

email Gerry on or Phone 0852883709 (+66852883709International) leave a voice mail message if no answer or SMS Text your name & message to +66852883709

P.S. You will not get a krav maga seminar of quality information, hours of instruction
for such a good price which Baht 4879 for 10 hour Krav Maga Instruction which booked
& paid full before Thursday 5 March.

** If you book & pay in full before Thursday 5th March for the Krav Maga Thailand Pattaya Seminar March 2009  strictly, you get free krav maga video & free krav maga
manual with photos of all training, these gifts are worth more than 5,000 Baht & are yours free
When you book & pay in full pattaya krav maga march seminar before 5 march 2009.
Phone 085 288 370 International +66852993709 SMS TEXT Message if no reply.
Skype: gerry_nolan

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Tactical Krav Maga Seminar Video, Fighting, Boxing, MMA, Weapons, Grappling, Street Fighting, or is it Kravf Maga

Krav Maga Video Montage of our October & December 2008 Tactical Krav Maga
Self Defense Seminars Course by Krav Maga Thailand Pattaya.

You can see in the Tactical Krav Maga Pattaya Seminar Video, all Tactical Krav Maga
is pressure tested & many live full contact fighting all out scraps are used in Krav Maga Thailand training so you can test under full on full contact krav maga fighting to see what krav maga skills
will or will not work for you.

Krav Maga Gun Removal in this video, we used a high gas powered Airsoft Glock Semi Auto BB gun, & the gun man, was instructed to shoot, if the Tactical Krav Maga Defended did not attempt to disarm the gun man terrorist within 2 seconds.

My gun attacker being a big strong lad, who has plenty of firearms training certifications, really tried to "shoot" me, & those BB' s from the High Gas Powered Glock, hurt like hell as we had to line up execution firing squad style against the wall, & "get shot" before the exercise began. I still have the mark on my body, where the BB cut & bruised me & that was 6 weeks ago!
My attacker really tried to shoot me & I think I was the only person to get an attacker, who tried to empty the whole BB mag into me. LOL!

The good news is I was not "shot" by 1 BB, & also the nice clean in the gym with willing compliant training partner did not work so well. Having had in my 25 years of martial arts experience, ample street fights, through security work, I immediately went into "Improvise" mode, & at the end of this 10 minute Krav Maga Thailand Seminar Video, you can see this, thats me & Toby who was my "terrorist gun attacker" spinning around in circles.

I had both hands clasped on his gun had, which he had double hand Israeli Point Shooting grip on, & Toby being physically stronger & bigger than me, & really focused on shooting me, I had to use all my strenght just to keep out of the "Line of Fire". I then used all my body weight to thrown forward to pin the gun to the ground. This is where in krav maga thailand video he is over me, & I am on the ground, then I bite & mauled gun arm, with my teeth, until Carl Halley head Tactical Krav Maga Instructor, blew the whistle, to stop us, indicating I had suceeded in the gun defense, using Tactical Krav Maga Thailand improvised aggression & dirty fighting.

Now, some people might say, (imagine put on nerdy voice), of Krav Maga trainee, who has spent more time looking at porn movies committing a "right handed mortal sin" , than time on the training floor, doing hard sparring or full contact fighting drills.

Actually to correct myself, probably never "gloved up" & even did a few rounds of boxing in their krav maga training time, yet can perform flawless techniques, with a willing partner in the gym. Yawn! Go down to your local Biker Bar, knock back a bottle of Wild Turkey Whiskey & 10 Bottles of Bud, call the Biker Gang "Master of Arms" a queer, & then try to pick up sexiest biker chick in there, & use your "Perfect Krav Maga"... (Pink Krav Maga, might be a better word, & see how your real world self defense skills "no contact" Krav Maga worked for you, during this fun night out, (when you wake up in intensive care) & then come back & tell us what works better... No Contact McDojo Shopping Mall Krav Maga, or Full Contact all out training fighting drills? Answers please...?

No "proper technique" does not over come a stronger opponent so easy when your really going for it. "Proper Technique" in krav maga with full contacy fighting all out, dirty boxing sparring for the street, hitting in full contact live fighting training with "proper technique in strikes" getting your "bell rung" & handing back a "brust & chain" of strikes back to your training partner, in other words proper Reality Based Self Defense Training with contact, yes that might help you win on a street fight, or perhaps stun your attacker enough to escape & survive.

Next time an Aikido Master beats Crocop or Chuck Lidell or Mike Tyson, please let me know, & I will accept "krav maga paper tigers" who cannot punch their way out of a wet paper bag opinions. The Biker Bar "experiment" is open for you to try too. I will be honest, I did the biker bar experiment, sure I got a few bottles over the head as I fought my way out the door, it was double hard work, that fighting, as I had the biker chick on my arm leaving with me, so charmed she was with my Irish accent. "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" as the song goes! :-)

Pattaya Thailand Seminar Tactical Krav Maga & Israeli Point Shooting Course

21 - 27 June 2009 Pattaya Thailand Dates for Next Krav Maga & Combat Israeli Shooting Seminars & Course in Pattaya Tactical Krav Maga Thailand.

Right Now to get all the information on our June 2009 Thailand Pattaya Krav Maga Seminars

Contact Gerry Nolan email gerry[at] web:
Phone: +66(0)852993709 (SMS Text if no answer & leave voice mail too)
Skype: gerry_nolan (Its a good idea to email me your skype ID to arrange a skype call)

Krav Maga E-Book Free on Krav Maga Self Defense Dirty Street Fight Secrets

Go get your free self defense krav maga ebook & also exclusive updates on Krav Maga Seminars,
Krav Maga Video links of new progressive training featuring IDF special forces unavailable to the public, & other Self Defense Street Fight Training Video clip right now join krav maga newsletter on

Our all inclusive, Professional Security Krav Maga Course, with Hand 2 Hand Combat, Tactical Krav Maga, Israeli Point Semi Automatic Pistol Gun Shooting (Video here) which an Israeli Defensive Force I.D.F. Commander of an special forces unit (He is also many years Duvdevan Unit undercover elite special force operative, with 100s of "contacts" with terrorists.) will be your Firearms & CQB Instructor, & also we have a module for Driving Cars for Bodyguards, Security Professionals, NGOs, & People who want to increase their self protection skills, as "car jackings" is a crime globally on the increase.

Please email me for details on 21 - 27 June 2009 Tactical Krav Maga Self Protection Seminars Pattaya Thailand Bangkok gerry[at]

Best Regards

Gerry Nolan Krav Maga Instructor Thailand Pattaya Bangkok

P.S. All details of June 2009 Krav Maga Thailand Pattaya Self Defense, Israeli Shooting Gun Course, & Professional Security Seminar will be updated this week on our main web site, which is

This week 15 February, for those in Pattaya Thailand our regular Krav Maga Self Defence Martial Arts for Street Protection & Executive Kickboxing Private Lessons for fitness & personal training are in Pattaya.

Tactical Krav Maga Pattaya Self Defense Adult Beginners Class.

Tuesdays & Thursdays 4pm- 5pm.
Saturdays 12noon - 130pm Krav Maga Self Defense Class Pattaya.

Location: Kombat Group Muay Thai Kick Boxing, MMA Training Center, Khao Talo, (Soi 8) Pattaya Thailand.

Here is a map to Tactical Krav Maga Thailand Pattaya Class at Kombat Muay Thai Kick Boxing Mixed Martial Arts MMA Pattaya Thailand Map for Krav Maga Self Defence

Details: Krav Maga Pattaya Self Defence class is beginner’s level & no experience needed, we will teach you Tactical Krav Maga Self Defence, & build your skill up over time. A keen willingness to learn & a keen attitude is all you need, & an interest in martial arts as self defense is all you need. You will learn the Krav Maga system to fight back against armed & unarmed attackers.

Please contact Gerry before you can attend class.

Krav Maga Regular Group Class strictly is for people based in Pattaya who are committed & have joined our ongoing Tactical Krav Maga regular training program.

If you are in Pattaya for a short term stay & you want to learn to defend yourself with Krav Maga then private one to one Krav Maga Lessons are open to you. Private Individual Krav Maga Self Defense Lessons must be booked, confirmed & fees paid in advance, please contact

Gerry Nolan Tactical Krav Maga Instructor on to discuss your tailor made Krav Maga Private Lesson Program.

Fee: 300 Baht per each Krav Maga Pattaya Group Class. (Drop in Rate)

14 Krav Maga Class Card is 2,250 B in advance: Great Value!

If you commit to regular training 14 Class Card it is 2,250 B in advance for 14 Class Card, which is valid for 5 weeks from the date of purchase.

The 14 Krav Maga Class Card for 2,250 B means on average you pay
only 160 B per class.

This is excellent value for high quality Krav Maga Training & the 14 Class Card is the most popular choice.

Private Krav Maga Self Defense Lesson: 1,200 B per hour.

All Private Krav Maga Classes must be booked & paid for in advance.

Seminars, Workshops or Private Krav Maga Seminars available on request, please contact Gerry Nolan Instructor Tactical Krav Maga Pattaya for info.

Exclusive VIP Fly-In Krav Maga Intensive Personal/Group Seminars.

Many people, fly in to do 10, 20, or 30 Hours Private Krav Maga Tailor Made Seminars over 3-7 Days at the Krav Maga Pattaya Training Center. If you have a small group, we can also customize for your group,when you fly in to Pattaya, an intensive Krav Maga Self Defense Seminar or Workshop.

You can learn Krav Maga for Self Defense against armed & unarmed attacks. We also can include shooting instruction at Pattaya Shooting Range with their high quality ex-military Shooting Instructors. This is an exclusive Krav Maga Adventure in Pattaya Thailand.

Executive V.I.P. Personal Training Fitness with Mugendo Kickboxing Pattaya:

Are you bored working out at the gym watching the paint dry, while you hobble along on th uninspiring jogging machine, or watching the clocking mindless pumping iron, & wonder why your doing it in the first place?

Yes, I feel your pain, I have experience at times sheer boredom when I used to work out at a fitness club in addition to my martial arts, krav maga & kick boxing training. So I give up the "Fitness Club" & devoted the time to extra training sessions mainly with kick boxing. Not only did I have more Fun, but my aerobic, my anerobic, my muscle tone, felxibility, & all around "feeling of well being" increase by 500% or more! Bottom line: I was getting better fitness results & stree relief & feeling much better & having more fun, doing 45 - 60 minute work outs with my trainer. Back then I happened to spend much time sparring too.

Personal Training Executive V.I.P. Kick Boxing Training Pattaya.

I decided to evolve this proven high results all around results winning fitness work out personal training option to develop Personal Training Executive V.I.P. Kick Boxing Training, where I will train you in kick boxing for fitness in personal one on one sessions (or 2 people on do 1 personal session together). You will work out on strectching, shadow boxing, flexibility, kickboxing training drills, pad work, punching & kicking all within your own level of fitness & ability. You will not get hurt as you will not have to do any sparring at all. (However, if you want to do very light sparring in a professional controlled environment, with the best safety gear, we can offer you this option too.)

Executive V.I.P. Kick Boxing Training Pattaya is for fitness & fun & is not to be confused with the harder muay thai training system.

You will work personally with me, Gerry, as I am ranked 4th Dan Black Belt Mugendo Kickboxing, & 25 years experience internationally in kickboxing training. I am also a fitness trainer & I can guarantee you results with
Executive V.I.P. Kick Boxing Training Pattaya, if you are committed & do 2-3 regular 45-60 minute personal session per week. Kick Boxing Fitness Training is very suitable for any age group especially "Young Lads" who are 40, 50, 60 or older!

You will be amazed at the results you will get & how wonderful you will feel with your Executive V.I.P. Kick Boxing Training.

Sessions of Executive V.I.P. Kick Boxing Training are private similar to getting a personal trainer, & 2 people can share one session for a special price.

Training sessions will be at my own private training home gym in Pattaya, or we can train in your place if suitable which will be additional rates.

Executive V.I.P. Kick Boxing Training Fee: Please email me or phone me leaving a voicemessage on
Pattaya Thailand 0852883709 for more details of special offer rate which is available to you, for regular pre-booked sessions.

Please email Gerry Nolan Tactical Krav Maga Instructor for more details.

Contact: for details or call 0852883709.

If no live answer, please SMS Text Message your Name, Number & Question to +66(0)852883709 & Gerry will call you back within 48 hours.

Check out now our new Tactical Krav Maga Blog for all the latest news, information, updates, discussion, techniques, tips, class reviews, photos, online.

Get your Free Krav Maga Self Defense Combative ebooks Krav Maga Fist

Krav Maga Thailand Pattaya Updates Free Krav Maga Ebook

Krav Maga Pattaya Thailand

Hi Everyone,

Krav Maga Thailands Pattaya website has been updated with new Pattaya Krav Maga Self Defense Martial Arts Club news. join email newslettere on krav maga thailand pattaya website now & get free martial arts muay thai kick boxing self defense Tactical Krav Maga ebook.

Pattaya Krav Maga Club in gym off soi 8 off Kaho Talo Pattaya. 
We have a new krav maga pattaya class schedule :
Tuesday & Thursday 4pm - 5pm krav maga class
Saturday 12.00-130pm class Tactical Krav Maga self defense

Each class is only 300 B & if you join for the month with 14 lesson card krav maga Pattaya offers best
Value as its only 16o approximately per kravmaga class when you buy in advance monthly 14 class krav maga card for 2,250 B

Krav Maga Private lessons are 1200 B per hour

Please vist Krav Maga Fist web site & got your free krav maga ebook, goto now

Krav Maga Thailand next international krav maga self defense semunar is 21-27 June 2009

Sign uo for email newsletter to get early info on june 09 krav maga & shooting Pattaya seminars
on and

Book your private Krav Maga Lessons in Pattaya right now as our private krav maga lessons can be booked out weeks in advance.

Thank You
Gerry Nolan Tactical krav maga instructor
Email info[at]kravmagathailand(dot)com

Monday, 9 February 2009

Krav Maga Pattaya Class Times, Private Krav Maga Lessons Self Defense Pattaya Thailand 2009

Tactical Krav Maga Pattaya Thailand Class Times, Location, Rates, Private Lesson Details

Regular class times Tactical Krav Maga Pattaya Thailand
Tuesdays 4pm -5pm
Thursday 4pm-5pm
Saturdays 12noon-130pm

If you are in Pattaya on vacation, it is strongly recommended to take several private Krav Maga 1 hour lessons (Krav Maga Pattaya Private Lesson Rate 1,200 Baht pr 60 minute lesson) , before you can join the regular training group, in order to get a full induction, which means you get maximum benefit from private krav maga lessons & then the regular Pattaya Krav Maga class.

Group Class Drop in Rate: 300 Baht paid before class starts.

10 lesson credit its 1900 B (pay before training begins) which makes it only 190 B a class.
Valid for 5 weeks.

14 Class credit 2,250 which is just about 160 B per class. Paid in advance. Valid 5 weeks.

We use a full modern Kombat Group Pattaya Muay Thai Gym with UFC MMA matted cage. & all our own KM relevant gear too. Map & Location information on

Privates must be booked in advanced please email Krav Maga Pattaya

SMS Text message to Thai mobile 085 288 3709 for details on class
Email info[at]

Krav Maga Thailand Pattaya Class Self Defense Tactical Krav Maga

Get your free krav maga ebook

Our next International Tactical Krav Maga Seminar Pattaya Thailand is 21-27 June 2009
Also Professional Security Self Protection TKM Point Shooting Seminar with I.D.F. officer firearms instructor & bodyguard driving seminar. Email for details info[at]

Tuesday, 3 February 2009