Sunday, 25 July 2010

Krav Maga Instructor Certification Course

Krav Maga Instructor Course 4 - 9 October 2010 Thailand

Krav Maga Thailand is hosting this 4th - 9th October 2010 at Pattaya Thailand a 6 day intensive training open  Krav Maga Instructor Certification Course where you can train to become a Krav Maga Instructor.

The Krav Maga Instructor Training Course is open to all adults who have at least 4 years martial arts recent training experience in a Striking bases martial art.

If you are an experienced martial artist from USA, North America, South Americe Europe, Asian or Australia Thailand in S.E. Asia is from most international airports just 1 long haul flight away.

You will become a civilian Krav Maga Instructor Level 1 in Krav Maga Tactical Combatives when you complete this October 2010 Krav Maga Instructor Course which will be held at Kombat Muay Thai MMA Training Gym in Pattaya Thailand between the 4 - 9 October 2010.

The Krav Maga Instructor Certification Course is 6 days and we are offering a high quality extremely affordable Krav Maga Instructor Training Seminar which will be taught and instructed by 26 years in martial arts experienced instructor Gerry Nolan Chief Instructor Krav Maga Tactical Combatives Self Defense System.

The Krav Maga Instructor Course will be priced at an early booking special of only 35000 Baht (Thai Baht) and we have secures accommodation with room and board from a starting price of 5000 Thai Baht for 5 nights accommodation at Kombat Muay Thai MMA Camp where the Krav Maga Instructor course will be held.

Krav Maga Seminar Pattaya Thailand

There will be a 5 day long Krav Maga Seminar starting the 28th September 2010 and the 5 day accelerated learning Krav Maga Seminar will take place the week before the October 2010 Krav Maga Instructor Course. There is a 1 day break between the 28th September - 2nd October 2010 Krav Maga Seminar and the 4th - 9th October 2010 Krav Maga Instructor Certification Course.

Krav Maga Seminar 5 Days 28 September 2010 Pattaya Thailand rate only 12500 Thai Baht.

We have also secured you an special accommodation deal if you come to the Krav Maga Seminar you can stay in the accommodation with meals daily at our host Kombat Muay Thai MMA Camp for 5 nights accommodation which starts at a very very reasonable 5000 Baht.

Important:  If you are planning on doing the Krav Maga Instructor Certification Course who are strongly advised if you can to come the week before the Krav Maga Instructor Course and do the 5 days extra Krav Maga training on the Krav Maga Seminar which begins on the morning of the 28th September. By doing the exrtra 5 days Krav Maga training who will increase you chances of passing the Krav Maga Instructor Course.

Prices: Krav Maga Instructor Certification Course 4 October 2010 Pattaya Thailand 35000 Baht
             Krav Maga Seminar 5 Days 28 September 2010 Pattaya Thailand                 12500 Baht
            Optional Accommodation 5 nights with meals Kombat Muay Thai Camp starts  5000 Baht.

The Krav Maga Seminar is open to all adults from pure beginners right through to experience martial arts people.

Krav Maga Instructor Course is open to all people who have at least 3 - 4 years in a striking martial art.

To Book ether the Krav Maga Instructor Certification Course or the Krav Maga Seminar please urgently in order to get the best deal now Contact Gerry Nolan Instructor Krav Maga Tactical Combatives Thailand today.