Krav Maga Self Defense in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam & Burma/MayamarI was very suprized in a very nice way to find out unknown to myself, that I had been spreading the gospel of Tactical Krav Maga Self Defense all over SE Asia, not only to Thailand, but also to Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam & Burma/Mayamar.
Earlier in this year, I was asked to teach a 1 day Ladies Krav Maga Self Defence Seminar in a top Yoga/Pilates studio in Bangkok called
The Core which is a very upmarket modern yoga (pilates & many other health lifestyle classe) which is owned by a very nice lady and top yoga/pilates expert called Ory who comes originally from Israel. Of course Ory is very familar with Krav Maga, & I think she mentioned her cousin teaches Krav Maga in the Israeli Defense Forces.
We had a wonderful 1 day workshop, teaching the ladies how to be aware and avoid potential trouble or attackers in the first place, teaching them the psychology of self protection, then we got the ladies moving and into action with some Jennifer Lopez ala her movie "Enough" work the basic simple and most lethally effective basic Krav Maga techniques, hitting the pads & kick shields with all their power, with palm shots, eye strikes, knees & elbows. It was amazing to see some of the ladies who never hit anything before in their lives, murdering the body sized kick shield pads with knee strikes so hard, the word Castration came to mind, should they ever have to use their new self defense krav maga skills against an attacker!
On the course was a very nice lady, who is a world leading international freelance journalist called Emily Goldstein, who wrote a number of excellent articles on me introducing Krav Maga in Thailand, and how it Krav Maga can benefit everyday ordinary people, who now have a vital life skill in that they can protect themselves. We got a great write up in a leading Bangkok upmarket glossy magazine, & I will post that in the future some time.
I was amazed to find out I also feature in a French Magazine cover SE Asia, perhaps a call back to the old days of French Indo China when France rule Laos, Cambodia etc.
Parlez vous Francais?
This article is in French, but have a look at it on the link below, I was able to pick my way through it with my very rusty high school French from years back.
LOL! A little trivia on Israel, when I was training in Krav Maga with Israeli Krav Maga Association, I used to ask some of the instructors & my trainers who in the class was in the army. They used to laugh aloud as if I asked a very dumb question, and boom back in lound voices... "Gerry, In Israel, EVERYONE is in the Army!". I did not believe them, until a few days later I was in the local shopping mall in Netanya, & I noticed a group of young girls no more than 20 years old, in the CD Music Shop buying the latest Britney Speres CD, they smiled & said hello to me, & then I noticed they all had assault rifles hanging over their shoulders, & mag clips of bullets in the back pockets of their jeans. Amazing sight I tell you! Same day I noticed a lady who must have been 6 months expectant with child, stroll by with a Uzi Sub Machine gun casually slung over her shoulder. Every 2nd person who passed me in the mall as I sipped coffee had a pistol down the back of their jeans. And perhaps the next weekend, while out in a small night club, a happily drunken young IDF army captain insisted on dragging me up to dance with his two lady friends, bought me drinks, as we all danced around M16s & Galil Rifles, & at one stage near the end of the night, threw his M16 into my hands to take care off, while he chatted up some other fair maiden across the bar. Never liked the M16 myself, was always more of an Armalite man myself!
So Israel certainly has a very strong gun culture for sure. This brings a question..
Some Martial Arts friends of mine in Ireland, who are into MMA, used to question me to the practical use of knowing how to disarm a pistol or rifle threat, & as many people know, gun disarming skills is one of the area of which Krav Maga is famous. My Martial Arts friends, most of whom have never been in a real life self defense situation, and think all begins and ends with Ultimate Fighting UFC (now I am a big believer in being able to defend in all ranges like in MMA), but UFC is still not a violent street attack. It is two world class combat athletes battling it out with a referee and rules.(no eye gouging allowed!). I explained to them, since KM was developed in Israel which has a very strong gun culture, then the skill of training to disarm a gun is indeed a very practical life skill to have. Alantic Ocean deep sea fishermen wear life jackets in case they fall into the sea, a very real danger, Israeli people, especially those working in security learn how to disarm gun threats. Remember also, if a gun man wants to shoot you dead, he can do it from meters away with his pistol, so what is all this holding a gun to your head, demand you hand over your monet about? Maybe he just wants to get your cash and rolex watch and the gun is just a tool of intimidation?
People ask me..
Do those gun disarms really work?
I always say, well if it is a life or death situation, an example could be 9/11 (ok I know they did not use guns, they used box cutter knives, but its a decent example), life or death someone has a gun to your head, is taking you to a secondary location, & does not want your wallet of cash. What are you going to do? Gormlessly go along with the gunman for a complimentary skull full of lead or try and save your life? Well I know what I would do for sure!
At Senior level Krav Maga gun disarms with proper safety & professional supervision are trained with repilic real pistol paintball & air guns, which is as real as you can get to the real thing., & many people discover they can actually clear the line of live fire fast enough to execute a Krav Maga gun disarm! Man those paint balls sure hurt, if you take a full shot on somewhere like the knuckles of you fist.
As you can see, in Tactical Krav Maga we take a very real & tested approach to self defense against weapons such as knife, baton/baseball bat & guns both pistols & rifle.
Want to find out more?
Serious once off opportunity, on Tuesday 23 October through to Saturday evening 27th October. We have a 5 day, 8 hours daily, 40 hour in total certified Tactical Krav Maga Self Defence Intensive Fast Track Seminar right here in Pattaya, and Head Tactical Krav Maga Instructor Carl Halley is teaching this. Over the 5 days, we are going to cover the whole 10 Units of the Tactical Krav Maga Fighting Combat System which is the exact same version of KM as taught to special force units in Israel such as the Yamam. How am I so sure, well
Itay Gil Tactical Krav Maga founder, after fighting in a special army unit, spent 9 years in Yamam & 2 years after as their unarmed combat teacher. So thats good enough proof for me.
Back to next Tuesday 23 October - 27 October Intensive Krav Maga Thailand, Pattaya 5 day seminar, on this you will learn serious self defense skills against unarmed & armed attacks, & you will be finish the course with a level of skill you only could have dreamed about.
This is your chance to learn a serious must have life skill, How to Protect Yourself Against Violent Attack! Or How to Protect Your Family & Loved Ones from Violent Attack.
Ask yourself with brutal honesty, Can you defend yourself?
Sure, people can say... "I' d do this, I' d do that!!!" But will you really do it when the cow dung hits the fan??? Or hits the pavment with a messy splat! after a free fall down the leg of your pants, when some criminal junkie pulls a blade on you to liberate that nice wad of cash in your wallet.
Give yourself a chance, do not put yourself in a position, to have "sand kicked in your face" as well as your cash & credit cards stolen after a few bangs on the head from a well practised street Attacker.
Follow this link now to book this life changing seminar:
Krav Maga Regular New Adult Beginner Class Pattaya Has Started. Join Now!
Weekly Regular Monday & Wednesday 645pm Adults
Tactical Krav Maga Self Defense Martial Art Class Pattaya Thailand Gerry Nolan Instructor, where you will start as a beginner learning the Krav Maga basics, and over time progress through the 10 Units of Tactical Krav Maga. Over the months you will learn & imporve your Self Defence skills, as you learn the full Krav Maga Special Forces Fighting System. Please follow link below to our website for full details.