Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Pattaya Krav Maga Self Defense Reality Based Martial Ats Seminar Pattaya Bangkok Thailand 28 March Krav maga Pattaya

Krav Maga Pattaya March 2009 Weekend Seminar Krav Maga Self Defence Thailand Pattaya
28th & 29th March Pattaya Thailand Krav Maga (near Bangkok)

Pattaya Krav Maga Self Defense Reality Based Martial Ats Seminar Thailand Bangkok nearby for Adult Beginners is Saturday & Sunday 11am - 4pm Krav Maga Seminar Pattaya Thailand, close to Bangkok.

Pattaya Thailand Krav Maga Weekend Course March 2009, only 90 minutes drive or bus from Bangkok Thailand.

Krav Maga Pattaya Self Defense Martial Arts Club Thailand Pattaya Bangkok have a weekend of Sat & Sun 28th & 29th March 2009 Krav Maga Seminar which give you over the 2 days Saturday & Sunday, 11am - 4pm daily, 10 hours total krav maga defensive tactics training in street self defense for Adult Beginners using Krav Maga Defensive Tactics.
(5 hours x 2 days in Pattaya Krav Maga Hand2Hand combat street attack survival training).

Krav Maga Pattaya at Kombat Muay Thai Kick Boxing MMA Gym Pattaya present this
martial arts seminar Krav Maga Self Defense will allow you to learn to defend yourself against street fights with the famous krav maga combat fighting system.

Videos, see what YOU will learn at a Tactical Krav Maga Seminar Video Clips.
(youtube.com user KravMagaThailand)

Krav Maga teaches you:

*Basic strikes for self defense
*Escapes from Grabs, Holds, Bear Hugs, Chokes common street attacks.
*Psychology of Street Self Defense, Awareness, How to Avoid Violence
*Basic ground fighting and escapes
*Defense against knife, baton/baseball bat and gun threat/attacks.

We are offering excellent Defensive Tactics Krav Maga Thailand Training Seminar
training time 11am -4pm both days, so you can have time when you travel down for
this seminar krav maga from Bangkok or other Thailand cities.

Bangkok Krav Maga Trainees do not have far to travel to fun Pattaya, outside of
krav maga training, you can visit the beach, go to the islands off Pattaya,
enjoy the famous night life of Pattaya or go to Pattaya Jontiemn Shooting club
after our March Seminar in Krav Maga, & experience shooting hand guns.

Early Booking Special Offer 4987 B pay full before 4pm Wed 25 March.

The 28th - 29th March 2009 Krav Maga Seminar Pattaya is only a
low priced high value early booking price of 4,897 B
when you book right now & you pay before 256th March in full,
you also get the early booking price of 4897 B.

You must book now because after 4pm Thursday 26th March 09,
if you have not booked and paid in full the 4897 B, the
special offer early booking price, after 4pm this Thursday 2r March
price goes up, increases to the normal rate of 6,497 B.

BOOK NOW to Get te Best Price of 4897 B today!
(full payment of 4897 B must be made inadvance to confirm your booking.)

(Note: The tuition fee is only for Krav Maga Seminar.
Hotel or food is NOT included. Once you book confirm
by full payment. We can email you contact details of
some very reasonable clean modern hotels 3-5 minute
walk from training center. See below, more info on this)

Contact Email info@kravmagathailand.com for details now
Phone +66(0)852883709 leave voicemail with details or
SMS text message your name number & question to +66852883709
(Internal Thailand call or SMS Text 0852883709)

The actual location of training in Krav Maga Pattaya is
Kombat Muay Thai Martial Arts Center Pattaya which is a top class facilty.
See map & address on Contact Web Page of www.KombatGroup.com

We will have Krav Maga DVDs & Krav Maga Training Manuals on Sale on
the day of seminar.

Clothes to wear is gym sports training clothes & training running shoes.
Men must wear a Groin Protector, you should buy Groin Guard this week, & fit it
to ensure a good fit. If you have 16oz Velcro Fastener Boxing Gloves
(14oz are also acceptable), then please bring them, & it is nice if you have
already any shin protectors, or other martial arts protective training gear already.
However we have all the other needed Krav Maga Specialized training gear.

Hotel is not included, but there is many small hotels 3 -5 minute walk from
Kombat Muay Thai Kick Boxing MMA Mixed Martial Arts Gym Pattaya Thailand Bangkok which are approx 600 B a night, & good quality
sometimes if you negotiate with hotels who might get 400 B room rate.

Once you confirm & book, please sms me on 0852883709 &
email info@kravmagathailand.com with your booking confirmation,
full name, mobile & any questions, details, or medical conditions you have.

When you are booked confirm & pay, we can email you the names & numbers of
hotels in the area & you are responsible for booking & paying your own hotel
as hotel is NOT included in the training fee.


Gerry Nolan Instructor Defensive Tactics Self Defense Krav Maga Pattaya Thailand Bangkok
Krav Maga Pattaya Bangkok Thailand Blog Krav Maga kravmagathailand.blogspot.com
Krav Maga Video of our Seminars on

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