Monday, 19 January 2009

Your Krav Maga is Real if you Train Like this Video of Para 's "Milling" Drill

If you are training in Self Defense, Martial Arts, Krav Maga & you are NOT doing ANY
live fighting full on training like this, (hiding behind the props of weakness such as
"Bulletman" or BOB Dummies, or unwilling to do the below) the truth of the matter
is you are kidding yourself, & leading yourself into a real false sense of security.
What I mean is, unless you do drills similar to this, you probably are going to get
killed on the street, or as we say " unable to punch your way out of a wet paper bag".

Yes, a controversial krav maga blog post, however this is the truth.

Check out this footage of a "Milling" drill as done in the British Army Parachute Reg.
If you want your Krav Maga training to be real, you must do unpretty but real fight
full contact all out training like this. If you think your "technique" compliant training
partner Krav Maga will work without doing drills like this, then get into the boxing ring
with any sort of average boxer, for 3 x 2 min rounds, & see how you get on? (getting
your ass kicked). Honesty & Truthfulness in Krav Maga training or any self defense
training is a must.

Get Reality Based Self Defense Krav Maga Training at Tactical Krav Maga Pattaya.


Gerry Nolan Krav Maga Instructor
Tactical Krav Maga Thailand Pattaya

Krav Maga E-Book Free

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